Is it Dope? or Swag?

February 18, 2016

I've always entertained new ideas and creativity when it comes to fashion. There are things i see and i just can't help myself. If am walking on the streets and i see someone whose appearance speaks to me , i will walk up to the person and give them a thumbs up.
It is quite difficult nowadays to actually see someone with creativity when it comes to dressing. It just  comes naturally to some people.

Quite frankly, must people don't know how to look, they don't know what they like when it comes to fashion. These people are the ones that try to recreate another person's look. Some go as far as buying the exact dress and the exact shoe so as to look that part. In most cases, it actually looks better on them but also in most cases it does not. Fashion is suppose to be art, it suppose to be creative. There is no problem in taking another person's style but you don't have to go as far as buying the person's exact outfit when you can actually pull off the style by adding a little creativity.

Now is it Dope? or is it Swag?. Honestly most fashion lovers don't know how to use these terms anymore. Most of them don't even know how to look these terms anymore. What is being Dope?. I think being dope has to do with idea. if i start looking at someone appearance to create my own way of dressing then it's safe to say i'm dope but Swag on the other hand has to do with creativity and art. These are the people that fashion comes naturally to. They are the ones the dope-ones imitates. You must have heard the phrase, "that guy got swags", it just simply means there is enough fashion tips to go around.

To mention a few, artist like Tyga, Chris B and Tyga got swags. People learn how and what to wear just by looking at this people. They just always stand out.
I always encourage people to create their own style and you don't have to be a celebrity to do that. Your swags might end up making you a celebrity but then again, you have to be creative.
The celebrity i mentioned and many more that i didn't, all have fashion brands. This should come with no surprise like i said they've got swags and there is enough fashion to go around.

We also have some that falls in both categories. The ones that are dope and also got swags. This people i have nothing to say about. They are few and they just stand out when it comes to fashion. The artistry, creativity and the ability to recreate fashion appearances of other people are their well known characteristics.
They are also people that don't fall under any category, please don't let us even go there. The question now is are you Dope? or have you got Swag?
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