My love for Sneakers(Asos, Adidas, Nike)

February 06, 2016

As a student, one of the things i always want to have is a pair of sneakers. Am not talking about the chocolate bar sneakers, am talking real about the foot-wear sneakers.
Sneakers for me is one of the most important area in my day-to-day outfits. I always want to make sure that my sneaker is neat and dope. Ever since high-school, I've always wanted to have the best of the best sneakers and also stand out in my way of dressing.

I am a student majoring in information technology, a football player and also a fashion enthusiast. I am a lover of denims and also, i am more of a simple dresser. In my department everybody keeps on asking me where i get my foots from because they always like the ideas i bring out.
First of all, it is the design of the foot and then again the way i rock the foot is another thing.
I remember when i came to Northern-Cyprus, everyone has the same pattern of dressing, only few stood out. Some question my pairs ask me are.

Where do you get your Legs from?

As a student i always look for the best and cheap places to buy my footwear. I am not gonna start lying about that, and the fact that i have never bought a single pair of sneakers form Northern-Cyprus is just another thing. Am not gonna lie to you, Most of the sneakers and foot-wears in this country are not of good quality and then the prices are ridiculously high. I am good with surfing the internet even before i became an IT student, so i always check and monitor sales online.
 One of the places I've fallen in-love with is Asos.
 Some of the fashion lovers must definitely know Asos, but not all can know everything. Asos is a fashion brand and also a retailer. They serve as a platform where you can purchase their own brands and also any other brands like Nike, Adidas, River Island and so on.

  Asos is just to good. Ever since i started buying stuffs from Asos, they haven't disappointed me. They always give good offers to student and lots of sales. Their own products are also of good qualities if not better. All my shirts, T-shirts and some of my denims are from Asos. Sometimes i rock Asos brand from head-to-toe, including my briefs because they have found a way for consumers especially we, "the students", to be fashionable at good and affordable rates.

My Sneaker choices?

I am not going to lie on this one, I love Nike. As a Sportsman, all my gears and cleats are Nike, But when it comes to fashion, I still love Nike but sometimes i Disagree with Nike, then i go with Adidas.
Adidas just stands out in some occasions, it has this unique feature that makes you wanna wear it.
All this brands i mentioned is also available for me because Asos has made it available. I won't lie, they are other brands and fashion retails but for me Asos is at the Top of my List.

As a student, Asos is definitely one of a kind. Student in Norther-Cyprus be ordering with no mercy from Asos brands with no mercy. Every week, they must be several deliveries from Asos, especially now that we are on holidays.
I dare you to show me your own pairs of sneakers coz you know i will definitely tell you who you are... hahaha
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